Competitive Pricing
Proving a solution for all budgets20 Data Assets
ESSENTIAL100 Data Assets
STANDARD500 Data Assets
PREMIUMUnlimited Data Assets
ENTERPRISEExpansion Pack
20 Data Assets
ESSENTIAL100 Data Assets
STANDARD500 Data Assets
PREMIUM2000+ Data Assets
Flowz pricing is based on the number of data assets you record
All other functionality is unlimited, including flows, users, administrators, document uploads, etc.
Flowz is not modular
For the life of your licence any new releases are included in your licence fee.
When you reach your licence limit, you can buy an expansion pack
See bottom of the page), you do not need to buy the next licence type.
Pricing is per organisation
If you want to record more than one legal entity, please ask us for pricing. [link to contact form]
Migration and deployment support
Services are priced on a project basis, please see out services page [link]:
Discounts and frameworks
We offer discounts for multi-year licences and Flowz can be bought through the UK government G-Cloud 12 framework. Please contact us for more information [link to contact form]