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[Closed] Assets linked to wrong area of organisation

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Can you explain why an asset that is added is being linked to the administration role within the organisation and not the asset owner.  We have a complex set up within our organisation and sometimes a person can have two roles with different areas of the organisation. This is causing issues as the asset is showing up in a different area of the organisation than it should because it is being liked to the administrator role and not the owner role?

At present all of the assets are temporary but once they have been approved the asset will not be able to be visible to the right area which will cause problems with auditing, reporting etc.

I have tried raising this through the support mechanism but this was over three weeks ago and  I have still not received an answer. 


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Hi Sonya, 

We have responded to your service desk ticket on the 10th January, please can you look at this and provide the information requested.  We will then look into it

Kind regards 


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Thank you for the quick reply Rupal,

I have had a look through my emails an the only one I can see is a reply to the scoring question I raised.  Would you be able to resend the answer please for me to action



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Just wondering if and how this was sorted. I am struggling with the same issue. 

Many thanks & kind regards,



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Posts: 33


Is it a whole load or just a few? At the moment, we get the developers to do this in the database, but it is quite time-intensive. Creating a front end so that you can do this is a part of our summer plans.

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Hi David,

Thank you for your quick reply. It is the whole load...

Kind regards,


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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 33

Posted by: @sonyar

Can you explain why an asset that is added is being linked to the administration role within the organisation and not the asset owner.  We have a complex set up within our organisation and sometimes a person can have two roles with different areas of the organisation. This is causing issues as the asset is showing up in a different area of the organisation than it should because it is being liked to the administrator role and not the owner role?

At present all of the assets are temporary but once they have been approved the asset will not be able to be visible to the right area which will cause problems with auditing, reporting etc.

I have tried raising this through the support mechanism but this was over three weeks ago and  I have still not received an answer. 


We have now changed the system roles related to SIROs, IAOs and IAAs so that the system now respects the hierarchy of the roles more rigidly. This impacts People allocated in Assets and Views in the My Assets and My Flows screen.

See the Summary update note for 2022 for more details of role hierarchies and system responses. 

