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[Closed] Reports

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Is there any more progress on getting custom reports done?

I would like to be able to download an overview of all assets within Flowz to show me all of the answered questions. 

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I am still awaiting an answer to this request please?

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Hi Sonya,

Sorry, I must have missed this in the run-up to Christmas.

Yes, we have been trialling a number of plug-ins. We have a development meeting on Thursday 10th and I hope to have an update after that.




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Thank you for your reply David,

I was just wondering how the development meeting went around reports on the 10th? It is critical that I am able to run such reports now as part of my role is to report back to individual areas of our organisation, and keep a track of what has been added and what needs to be highlighted as a  risk. 



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Can you help please.  How do we now create the ROPA through a standard report?  Is there any guidance please?


thanks John

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Bolton will be testing some of the risk reporting as well as some of the standard questions now available re DPIA's  

Can some advice please also be provided around the above and creating ad hoc reports.


thanks John

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Hi John,

We are now at the interim stage and I hope to post to the forum next week what our development priorities will be not that we have filters in Assets and Flows. 

For reference, when it comes to reporting the development requires:

1. Automatically flattening and normalising the data - a huge job with the complexity of Flowz

2. Adding a reporting solution - we're not going to build this ourselves and that would end up with a solution that would be too prescriptive. Our objective, by providing you a data mart, it to allow customers to report on whatever that want using either our tools or their own.

3. As an interim step we are going to be adding columns and filter fields to Assets and Flows and fields in Assets to show DPIAs and related Flows.

We will post more on this next week.



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GDPR article 30(3) says, "The records referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be in writing, including in electronic form." and 30(4) says, "The controller or the processor and, where applicable, the controller’s or the processor’s representative, shall make record available to the supervisory authority on request."

If it were me, I would give them access to Flowz as your electronic ROPA.


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Thanks,  Will await an update on reporting.

RE ROPA - How do we do this for the Public?

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I think all of the requested reporting is now live in the system. Please email if you have any further requirements.
